2023 Southern Colorado Handbell Festival Evaluation
Thank you for participating in the Southern Colorado Handbell Festival! Filling out and submitting this evaluation helps us to plan for next year. Fill out any/all of the fields below to share your feedback.
We know that some groups do their Festival “debriefs” together and the director submits the evaluation; you may continue to follow this process and/or encourage your ringers to complete the evaluation individually! We are happy to receive feedback from groups as well as individuals. A printable sheet is available here for you to use when discussing with your group, if you’d like to take notes on a hard copy and submit your feedback later (via the form on this page).
If you would prefer to remain anonymous in your feedback, simply leave the name and email fields blank. Of course if you’re willing to provide that information, we would love to be able to follow up with you to see how we did at addressing your suggestions.
Are you interested in joining the committee and helping out with future festivals? Fill out the form here with your contact information and someone from the current committee will contact you.