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Kevin McChesney was our scheduled clinician but he spent the day in the hospital for a medical emergency instead. Julie Turner, who conducted our festival in 2019, was in town and planning to ring; she did a magnificent job standing in for Kevin (who has since recovered, thankfully) on the podium!
The Star-Spangled Banner (Smith, arr. Behnke; L2)
Armed Forces Medley (arr. McChesney; L3+)
The Wexford Carol (arr. Ekle; L3+)
From Everlasting to Everlasting (Turner; L3)
Highland Cathedral (Korb/Roever, arr. Turner/McChesney; L3)
Meditation on Beautiful Savior (arr. Moklebust; L3)
Now the Green Blade Riseth (arr. McChesney; L3)
As One (Compton; L3+)
Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace (McChesney; L2+)